Lite skvaller om den omattligt framgangsrike och duktige stjarnproducenten
Scott Rudin. Rudin ar mannen bakom succéer som
The Truman Show, The Royal Tenenbaums och
No Country for Old Men. Fick ett mail haromdagen om att Rudin soker ny assistent, vilket vore dromjobbet for manga unga ambitiosa filmarbetare. Till saken hor dock att Rudin har blivit utnamnd av
Gawker till New Yorks varsta chef (las artikeln
har). Han ska ha gatt igenom over 120 assistenter pa en fyra ars period och det finns till och med en post pa Wikipedia om Rudin och hans assistenter. Han prickar tydligen in de flesta klichéer om hur en dalig chef ska vara och nu pratar vi amerikanska standards - Rudin ar kand for att slanga saker, sparka alla sina assistenter samtidigt, forbjuda dem att aka tunnelbana pga av mobilsignal svackan och vara on call 24/7.
Anna Wintour pa Vouge, forebilden for "
Djavulen bar Prada" ar en angel i jamforelse. Sugen pa att soka jobbet?
1 comment:
Sa har beskrivs han bla:
"When I got there, the first thing they gave me was an intern manual in question-and-answer format. The first question was: 'How do you talk to [the boss]?' and the answer was, 'You don't, unless he talks to you first.' So, that was my first clue. He wasn't there the first few days, so the mood was light, but when he came in it just changed to absolute terror. He was one of the worst people I've ever encountered - the kind who throws phones at people. One job I had was to program new cellphones, because he would break so many in anger that he had to have five ready to go, so when he broke one he could just grab another. He'd insult his assistants all the time. You'd hear him yelling, 'You're an idiot, how did you get this job?' The phone system - and specifically how assistants handled the transferring of calls - was a really big deal, so if someone accidentally dropped a call, you'd see grown men almost on the verge of tears as they apologized. He just proceeded to call them idiots."
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